Thursday, January 14, 2010

Subtle Transition

The transition feels easy this week.  I say that knowing that it is rarely the first week of something that is the hardest.  I expect that week 4 or 5 or 6 will be much harder.

I am doing well with this.  I wouldn't say that this is easy, but I will say that it doesn't feel like work.  WORK for me is having to do all the things that are outside of my comfort zone.  It's not work to be with my children all day.  It is exhausting, frustrating in moment, annoying in others and blissful in many.  But it's not WORK.  Work is having to deal with attorney egos and having to make nice when all I want to do is just roll my eyes.  I hate the game of corporate america, even if I do pretty well in the jobs.  It's just not me.  THAT feels like work.  This just feels like what I do. 

Connor has had no noticable transition stuff.  He's still being his funny, cute, beautiful baby self!  Yesterday I went out and bought him shoes.  $50 f-ing dollars for a pair of Stride Rites.  I don't even spend that much on me.  It's ridiculous.  The problem is that his fat little feet are a 4 extra wide.  And the cheapy places - Target, Walmart, Payless - don't make cheapy shoes that wide in his size.  And the other thing is that I hate having to put him in shoes at all.  We fully subscribe to the school of thought that says you don't put kids in shoes for as long as possible.  It's better for their feet, better for their learning how to walk, better for everything.  But, now that he's not in school and we are going to new places, I want to let him walk.  It's just not safe for me to let him walk around in his sock feet on flooring that I don't know is clean.  I would feel awful if he stepped on glass or a stray nail or whatever.  So, shoes.  The only saving grace is that they are super cute.  But he absolute hates them.  He even went so far as to attempt to spit on them in the store.  Literally.  Bent over and spit on the floor. 

He's such a drama queen.  Have I mentioned that yet?  I mean a SERIOUS drama queen.  I absolutely adore it.

Bailey is having an interesting reaction to being home with me.  She's very, very clingy.  She is hot and cold with Connor - generally, she wants what he is playing with and she gets visably angry with him if I give him any extra attention while she might be wanting some.  She is also "nesting".  I'm not sure what else to call it.  She doesn't want to leave the house.  She wants to stay in, do her workbooks, play, and watch TV.  The problem is that I'm not going to let her walk TV all day (she already watches more than I'm comfortable with) and she gets stir crazy.  She NEEDS the outside interaction and I need for her to have it.  She has also given up napping.  She spends about a hour in her room playing.  She doesn't cry or hate it - she just doesn't sleep.  This time is important for me, but not crucial.  At least, not yet.  I'm not sure what is going on with Bailey - if this is who she is and I just didn't really know it.  Or if this transition.  Or whatever.  I am watching and seeing and will adjust as needed.

So all told, this has been a good week so far.  We're only on Thursday...there are still a couple of days.  I have had my moments, but I think it's been very sucessful.  So far anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Mikki,

    I've been thinking about this post and I wanted to alert you to the fact that Kelly may be really struggling with this whole situation if she is weaning the baby at the same time. With your booming enthusiasm for being a stay home Mom, and with the response of the children to that joyous change, you are also becoming hugely important in Connor's life in a way you weren't before and at a time when Kelly is becoming less intimate with him.
    That has to be a huge change for her and one that might not be as easy to articulate.
    Be very, very gentle with her.
    Just a thought.
