Monday, February 8, 2010


Turns out that while I have more time to blog, I have less internet access and don't actually get to blog much!  LOL - oh well.  I wouldn't change the lack of internet access - I am truly loving the "disconnect".  Strange, huh?

We are well.  Connor is sick and will be at the doctor's office today.  He's been running a 103 degree fever for two days and his lungs seem very, very full of crud.  He's been a miserable boy unless he's highly medicated with motrin and tylenol.  It sucks, but it's pretty normal.  I'm thinking that he's got some kind of broncitis stuff going on and will need medication.  We'll see if my suspicions are right.

Bailey is lovely - she's kind of bored.  We've had a record snowfall the last two days - 24.5 inches fell in our front yard...31 inches in the District.  The Federal Government is shut down today, leaving us all home again.  Bailey's art class is cancelled.  But Mommy is home, so we're hopeful that we'll find something to get into.  Bailey has been loving, loving, loving playing out in the snow.  She adores it!  She plays for a long time before she even starts to get cold and then it's a long time after that before she'll consent to come inside.  Because of where we live, this is likely to be the only winter like this of her entire childhood...they just don't happen like this very often.  We are letting her play as often as she wants.  It's a rite of passage.

She's started dreaming...or rather, she's started articulating her dreams.  Twice now she has woken up pissed off.  The first time she was yelling because "Connor took my sandwich"!  HA!  Last night she woke up yelling because she wanted "her surprise".  It's funny to me.  I go in to comfort her and this is what I hear.  It makes me laugh.  And she seems so confused by it.  Such a big-girl development!

Kelly is remodeling our master bathroom.  So far, the walls have been painted and she is in the process of laying vinyl tile on the floors.  We are in love with the changes!!!!  The master bath has never been touched - the builders white paint was still there.  And the flooring was tacky sheet linoleum.  So, we're happy to be changing it up!  It's a beautiful blue when it's finished!

I think that's all for now...

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