Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow and Fear

The two really don't have anything to do with each other, though...

First, we are going on day 6 of being "snowed in".  On Friday of last week, Kelly worked from home due to the start of a monster snow storm that started Friday night and continued through Saturday.  It dumped 24.5 inches of snow into our yard and much more (up to 40 inches) in other areas in the DC region.  The Federal Government was shut down Monday and Tuesday as people continued the process of digging out.  Last night, the snow started again - with a promised 8-12 inches of more new snow on the way.  This would be a HUGE storm for this area alone, but combine it with the monstor storm just a few days ago and this region has just been completely crippled and consumed by it. 

The problem is that this area just doesn't get this.  I heard a very telling piece of news on TV last night - in the previous three winters the snowfall totals have been 10 inches, 7 inches and 5 inches TOTAL.  That's 22 inches total in THREE winters.  We've had much more than that just in the past 4 days.  People are not capable of driving in the snow and ice.  The plows are completely overwhelmed and the crews have been working for 6 days straight with no sign of stopping. 

The worst of it is the basics.  Kelly and I have been extremely proactive about digging out.  We grew up in snow areas and understand that the window for digging out closes - the snow freezes.  If you don't move the 2 feet of snow out of the way when it is still snow, you will regret it.  And probably be stuck for a very long time.  We have young kids.  We don't want to be stuck. 

The Federal Government is shut down again today.  Day three.  Hopefully it will be open tomorrow, but this snow isn't supposed to stop until tonight.  So we'll see.

The "fear" part of my title?  Well, that's because yesterday Connor fell down our very steep flight of stairs and landed on hardwood.  Kelly and I have always hated the stairs in this house (Kelly more than me).  They are very, very steep.  It's just been in the last few months that we've allowed Bailey to go up and down them on her own and she's been walking for nearly 2 years. 

Well, somehow the extremely strong gate we have installed at the top of the stairs got left open.  Kelly thinks it was her; but honestly, I don't know how it happened and it doesn't matter.  What I do know is that I was about to change Bailey's diaper when I heard the most panic sound coming from Kelly and what sounded like a sack of potatoes thunking it's way down the stairs.  Kelly screamed "Honey, honey, oh God honey, he's falling down the stairs".  I don't think either one of us has ever moved so fast in our life.  I don't know how I got down the stairs, but I was at their side in an instant.  When Kelly first saw Connor he was 4-5 steps down our 14-step staircase.  He was rolling sideways (as opposed to end over end, thank god).  It was a very, very fast roll.  He landed on hardwood and immediately started trying to get up, just as if he had fallen down walking or something. 

He cried, but only for about 5 minutes.  He had no bumps on his head, no bruises.  I moved every finger, every  toe.  I examined all of his body, moving all the joints and gently squeezing his body to check for places of pain.  There was nothing.  Other than fear, Connor came out of it unscathed. 

We called our nurse help line and got a recommendation to take him to the ER just to be safe.  We agreed - you can't be too careful with potential head injuries.  And there is no way his head wasn't bonked around.  The trip to the ER was relatively short and painless.  They examined him and found him to be a lovely, playful, beautiful little boy unhurt from the fall.  Since then, he's slept peacefully, waking on his usual schedule.  All is good.  Thank God.

Now...another snow day. 

1 comment:

  1. How terrifying! I can't imagine how it must have felt to see your little boy falling like that you guys. We are so glad to hear that he's okay. I'm sure he's getting lots of extra hugs today. Talk to you soon. -M
