Wednesday, December 30, 2009


It's funny how being a Mom gives me insights into my own Mom that I never had before.

I've always know how awesome it is to be a child and snuggle up on my Momma's breasts.  I love her smell, the feel of her arms, the way she rubbed my back.  All of it is pure safety and comfort to me.  And so when my children come running to my arms, I get it.  I am that comfort to them.

What I never understood, though, is how safe and comforting it feels to be the provider.  And how much love one person can feel in just a few seconds.  Or how empty my arms feel when they flit away.  I get that desire that my mother must have felt to hold us close and never let us go. 

Because I love the way they feel in my arms, the way thier hair smells, the warmth of thier skin and the little ways they touch me when we're hugging.  And I can't imagine ever letting them go.

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